Policy Bulletin

Bulletin Politique 428

Why was the policy changed?

The new Guidelines 800-2 provides a means for the medical management, in the form of physical restraints, of inmates housed within a Regional Treatment Centre or Regional Hospital, who are diagnosed with a medical condition such as dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, delirium, or acute or chronic brain injury, symptoms of which place the inmate at an elevated risk for unintentional self injury.

What is new/changed?

The Guidelines 800-2 – Physical Restraints for Medical Purposes provide:

  • direction that the use of physical restraints for medical purposes must be congruent with existing provincial legislation and professional standards of practice developed by the provincial regulatory body related to the use of restraints, be prescribed by a physician, and be part of a Treatment Plan;
  • clarification of when application of physical restraints for medical purposes would be considered a use of force and/or a reportable incident.

How was it developed?

The above-mentioned guidelines were developed through consultation with Security Operations and the Clinical Services and Mental Health Branches of the Health Services Sector. The document also underwent national consultation.


All CSC management and staff are responsible to ensure compliance.

Who will be affected by the policy?

Health care professionals and Security staff at Regional Hospitals and Regional Treatment/Psychiatric Centres working directly with inmates will be affected by the policy.

Expected cost?

Costs will be associated with the purchase of appropriate restraint equipment at the Regional Hospitals and Regional Treatment Centres.

Other impacts?

This information will be incorporated into CD 800 during the next update.


Joanne Barton
National Manager, Clinical Services, Health Services Sector


Original Signed by:
Don Head

For more information

To learn about upcoming or ongoing consultations on proposed federal regulations, visit the Canada Gazette and Consulting with Canadians websites.