Policy Bulletin

Policy Bulletin 363

Why was the policy changed?

These Commissioner's Directives (CDs) have been revised to reflect changes to the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (CCRA) and other recently passed legislation, to comply with the recommendations of the Policy Review Task Force, and to incorporate information from Case Management Bulletins.

What has changed?

Several technical modifications have been made to the layout of the documents. Extensive editing was done to remove extraneous details, to improve clarity of the direction and to focus on staff responsibilities. Among other changes:

CD 712-1 - Pre-Release Decision Making

  • The Report Outline has replaced Content Guidelines, creating a standardized approach to report writing, while focusing on reducing repetition and emphasizing risk analysis and professional discretion.
  • The Temporary Accommodation and Early Discretionary Release Prior to Warrant Expiry Date sections have been removed from CD 712-4 - Release Process, modified and incorporated into CD 712-1.
  • The updated CD identifies the responsibility for completing the Community Strategy when there are multiple release destinations.
  • Only one Assessment for Decision is required for multiple releases.
  • Community Strategies will be redirected only when release plans cannot be accommodated.
  • Prior to requesting a Community Strategy, the institutional Parole Officer will consult the area parole office in the proposed destination to confirm resource availability.

CD 712-2 - Detention

  • Prior to finalizing the detention pre-screening on cases that are being considered for detention, the institutional Parole Officer will consult with the parole office where the offender would be released. The consultation will be incorporated into the Detention Pre-Screening Report.
  • If, as a result of recalculation of sentence, the new statutory release date is greater than 11 months from the date the sentence is recalculated, the Parole Officer will update the Detention Pre-Screening Report.
  • The Detention Pre-Screening Report has been modified to reflect the need for the Parole Officer to conduct a succinct review of the detention criteria to determine if the offender meets the criteria for detention.
  • Detained offenders may now be granted an escorted temporary absence for administrative reasons.
  • The CD addresses the process of notification when there is a loss of jurisdiction.

CD 712-3 - Parole Board of Canada Hearings

  • An offender may not withdraw an application for day parole or full parole within 14 days before the beginning of the review, unless the withdrawal is necessary and it was not possible to withdraw it earlier due to circumstances beyond their control.
  • Sharing of information with the offender and Parole Board of Canada must be completed at least 28 days prior to the scheduled hearing.

CD 712-4 - Release Process

  • The CD clarifies that upon release of an inmate, the institution will notify the police agency via the Offender Management System only and is not required to forward a release certificate.
  • Annex B, entitled "Content Outline for Casework Record - Pre-Release Consultation Between institutional and community Parole Officers", has been added. The requirement for a teleconference between the institutional and community Parole Officers has been removed, providing flexibility in the form of communication.
  • The Temporary Accommodation and Early Discretionary Release Prior to Warrant Expiry Date sections have been removed from CD 712-4 and incorporated into CD 712-1 - Pre-Release Decision Making.

CD 712-5 - Pre-Release Case Preparation for Provincial/Territorial Offenders and Federal Offenders Incarcerated in Provincial/Territorial Facilities (formerly CD 716 - Provincial Offenders Pre-Release Case Preparation)

  • Policy direction on federal offenders, including young persons incarcerated in provincial/territorial correctional facilities, has been added to the CD.
  • The definition of "young person" in the context of the Youth Criminal Justice Act, has been incorporated into the CD.
  • Clarification of eligibility dates and authorities for temporary absences for young persons has been incorporated in the CD. Policy also clarifies that Part 1 of the CCRA does not apply to young persons incarcerated in a provincial/territorial facility.

How were the policies developed?

These policies were updated by the former National Policy Review Team and were the subject of a national consultation. They were then revised collaboratively by the Strategic Policy Division and the Correctional Operations and Programs Sector.


The Assistant Commissioner, Correctional Operations and Programs, is accountable for these CDs. Responsibilities for the various levels (i.e. National and Regional Headquarters, institutions and districts) are outlined in the individual policy documents.

Who will be affected by the policies?

All staff involved in community and institutional supervision and related case management activities.

Other impacts?



  • Director
  • Institutional Reintegration Operations
  • 613-995-7954

For CD 712-5:

  • Director
  • Community Operations Division
  • Community Reintegration Branch
  • 613-943-7485