Policy Bulletin

Policy Bulletin 521

Why was the policy changed?

This policy was revised as a result of discussions on the routine carrying of the MK9 aerosol sprays at maximum security institutions.

What has changed?

  • Responsibilities regarding the training, issuance, and use of inflammatory agents have been clearly defined.
  • Some responsibilities were clarified to include Primary Workers where applicable, and identify posts where certain inflammatory agents are carried.
  • Criteria for disposal and removal from service of used aerosols were added.
  • A change in what constitutes a use of force when chemical or inflammatory agents are used.
  • Some definitions were added and modified in Annex A.
  • Minor editorial changes were made throughout the documents.

How was it developed?

This policy was revised by the Security Branch in cooperation with the Strategic Policy Division.


Roles and responsibilities are detailed in the policy document.

Who will be affected by the policy?

All CSC management and all staff responsible for use, care and control of chemical and inflammatory agents.

Other impacts?


For more information

To learn about upcoming or ongoing consultations on proposed federal regulations, visit the Canada Gazette and Consulting with Canadians websites.