Policy Bulletin

Policy Bulletin 547

Why were the policies changed?

The above noted policies were amended in order to address concerns and to provide further clarification related to the private family visit process and to the completion of Community Assessments for private family visits.

What has changed?

The Statement of Voluntary Participation and Consent for Private Family Visits form (CSC/SCC 0531) has been modified to enable CSC to gather more information from the visitor.

Two new forms entitled Threat Risk Assessment for Private Family Visits (with Visitors) (CSC/SCC 1529) and Threat Risk Assessment for Private Family Visits (Individual Time) (CSC/SCC 1527) were created, and will be completed by staff with the objective of assessing the overall risk to the security of the institution, staff, visitor, and inmate. These new forms will also replace the requirement to complete an Assessment for Decision.

Although the Threat Risk Assessment forms will provide for overall security risk assessment, staff will continue to record the recommendation and decision via the CSC Board Review/Decision Sheet.

More specifically, these changes include:

CD 710-8 – Private Family Visits

  • APPLICATION has been amended to clarify that the Directive applies to staff involved in the private family visits process.
  • RESPONSIBILITIES have been amended to:
    • ensure information related to victim services and the Restorative Opportunities Program is made available to visitors
    • include responsibilities of the Correctional Manager
    • change to the assessment process by removing the requirement to complete an Assessment for Decision and replace it with the completion of a Threat Risk Assessment for Private Family Visits
    • introduce the need for the Correctional Officer II/Primary Worker to consider information provided by the visitor in the Statement of Voluntary Participation and Consent for Private Family Visits form (CSC/SCC 0531) to determine if a Community Assessment is required
    • provide the opportunity to interview the visitor following receipt of the Statement of Voluntary Participation and Consent for Private Family Visits form (CSC/SCC 0531).
  • PROCEDURES have been modified to include a new paragraph to clarify the use of the private family visit location for the purposes of the Mother-Child Program.
  • Approval Process has been modified to:
    • include the Visiting Application form (CSC/SCC 0653)
    • correct the form title of Visiting Application – Child Safety Waiver (CSC/SCC 0653-01e)
    • provide the opportunity to interview the visitor following receipt of the Statement of Voluntary Participation and Consent for Private Family Visits form (CSC/SCC 0531)
    • include the requirement to consult when considering the request of a Community Assessment
    • change to the assessment process by removing the requirement to complete an Assessment for Decision and replace it with the completion of a Threat Risk Assessment for Private Family Visits
    • include a new paragraph to record and share recommendations and decisions with the inmate.
  • Safety Measures have been modified to:
    • clarify the timeframe for completing a Casework Record
    • include the requirement for completion of a Statement/Observation Report).
  • Refusal or Suspension of a Private Family Visit has been modified to clarify that a re-application needs to occur for the completion of a re assessment.
  • ANNEX A has been modified to:
    • update cross-references
    • include a definition for Threat Risk Assessment.
    • The references for AGE OF MAJORITY (now Annex B) have been updated.

CD 715-3 - Community Assessments

  • PURPOSE has been amended to provide clarification.
    • improve clarity and reduce redundancy
    • reflect that the tasks associated with completing and updating Community Assessments are now strictly the responsibility of the Parole Officer in consultation with the Manager, Assessment and Interventions.
  • ANNEX A has been modified to update cross-references.
  • ANNEX B has been modified to:
    • include instructions regarding information relevant to Aboriginal social history
    • include instructions regarding Community Assessments for the Mother-Child Program
    • update the name of “Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade” to “Global Affairs Canada”
    • include additional instructions in the overall assessment for international transfer applications.

How were they developed?

These amendments were developed by the Offender Programs and Reintegration Branch of the Correctional Operations and Programs Sector jointly with the Strategic Policy Division. Consultation occurred with internal and external stakeholders, including inmate committees.


Roles and responsibilities are detailed in the policy documents.

Who will be affected by the policies?

Apply to staff involved in the application process and management of private family visits and those requesting or completing Community Assessments.

Expected cost?


Other impacts?