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Vol. 34, No. 2

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Elizabeth Van Allen, Editor-in-Chief

Welcome to this issue of Let’s Talk, which highlights the Correctional Service of Canada’s (CSC’s) many achievements in the area of correctional programs.

First off, I would like to take this opportunity to tell you how excited I am to be the new Editor-in-Chief of Let’s Talk. I have been reading this publication ever since I began my career with CSC and it is truly an honour to now play a key role in its development.

Some of you may be unaware that Let’s Talk is actually read around the globe – from schools in Canada and the United States, to correctional facilities abroad. This wide distribution is just another example of how the Serviceis sharing its knowledge and experiences in the field of corrections.

This issue in particular contains some very useful information for readers, as it focuses on CSC’s correctional programs and how they contribute to the successful rehabilitation and reintegration of offenders. As you read through these articles, you will learn about various aspects of the Service’s correctional programs and how they are being tailored to different groups of offenders.

In addition, you will come to see how the Service is building upon its world class correctional system with the piloting of its third generation of correctional programs – the Integrated Correctional Program Model (ICPM).

These are exciting times for CSC, and I hope this edition of Let’s Talk will provide you with some insight into both the current array of correctional programs and what the future holds in the form of the ICPM.

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