Policy Bulletin

Policy Bulletin 562

Why was the policy changed?

This Policy Bulletin is to inform staff of the creation of a User Guide, a modification to terminology, changes to the wording of certain paragraphs, and the addition of new paragraphs. The changes were made to ensure consistency of terminology as well as to streamline the double-bunking assessment process.

What has changed?

Several modifications have been made to the document. These include:

  • The Double-Occupancy Cell Placement Assessment Reference Tool has been replaced with the Double-Bunking Cell Placement Assessment – User Guide. The User Guide was developed in order to assist staff in finding information relevant to the quality of the assessment.
  • The mandatory criteria, with the accompanying Offender Management System (OMS) prompts, have been moved from the CD to the User Guide.
  • The wording in paragraph 6g. has been changed to “will ensure that Standing Orders are developed...” for clarification of the Institutional Head’s responsibilities.
  • Headings in the CD have been rearranged into a more logical sequence and the heading “Cell Conditions” has been added.
  • “Double-Bunking/Shared Accommodation Cell Placement Assessment” is now in the Procedures section. New paragraphs have been added in order to streamline the process.
  • Paragraph 10 has been added and reads: “The Institutional Head may give priority for a single cell to inmates with a precarious medical condition, a known mental health problem, or other factors to ensure a safe and secure environment.”
  • The wording in paragraph 14 has changed to “Prior to cell assignment at maximum, medium, multi-level institutions, maximum and medium security units in a clustered institution, Structured Living Environments and Secure Units in women’s institutions, the National Cell Condition Checklist (CSC/SCC 1448) must be completed for each inmate (in a single cell or double/shared)…”.
  • The wording in paragraph 14a. has changed to: “if any of the above items are seen to have been tampered with, removed, or destroyed, this must be recorded in the Statement/Observation Report (CSC/SCC 0875) and Plant Maintenance must be advised immediately. The form Maintenance and Repair Call (CSC/SCC 2011) will be completed, given priority and promptly actioned. Consideration may be given to charging the inmate(s) in question with a disciplinary offence (minor or serious), with the details of the incident and a description of informal resolution attempts, and why they did not work”.
  • The wording in paragraph 15 has changed to: “When single cell accommodation is not possible and it becomes necessary to accommodate two inmates in the same cell, a new Double-Bunking Cell Placement Assessment must be completed in OMS (for double bunking and shared accommodation). The assessment will normally be completed by a Correctional Officer II/Primary Worker assigned to the unit where the inmates are to reside. It is not necessary to complete an assessment if there is only one inmate in a cell.”
  • Paragraph 16 has been added, which indicates that consideration will be given to placing inmates with medical conditions or weighing more than 90 kilograms in the lower bunk.

How was it developed?

This policy was developed by the Strategic Policy Division jointly with the Security Branch at National Headquarters, in consultation with the regions and internal and external stakeholders.


Roles and responsibilities are detailed in the policy document. These have not changed since the last review of this CD.