Policy Bulletin

Policy Bulletin 549

Why was the policy changed?

This policy has been amended mainly as a result of the Commissioner’s Directives Standardization Project, the shared accountability framework and the evolving environmental legislation since 2003. In addition, to help reduce the number of internal policies, Guidelines 318-1 – Environmental Management System (2003-06-11), and Guidelines 318-3 – Environmental Emergency Plan (2003-06-11) will be revoked. Only the pertinent requirements from both Environmental Guidelines are retained and incorporated into the revised CD 318.

What has changed?

The pertinent requirements of the following policies have been integrated into this CD:

  • Environmental Guidelines 318-1 – Environmental Management System (2003-06-11);
  • Environmental Guidelines 318-3 – Environmental Emergency Plan (2003-06-11).

Several modifications have been made which include:

  • a new look, resulting in stand-alone English and French versions;
  • a concise language/style is used throughout the document;
  • a more detailed list of responsibilities.

How was it developed?

This CD was developed by the Environmental Protection Division at NHQ in consultation with RHQs and the Strategic Policy Division, and in line with the regulatory requirements.


Accountabilities are detailed in the CD.

Who will be affected by the policy?

All Correctional Service Canada facilities are subject to this CD.

Other impacts?

No other impacts have been identified at this stage.