Policy Bulletin

Policy Bulletin 550

Why was the policy changed?

These Commissioner’s Directives (CD) were reviewed as part of a regular schedule to ensure policy relevance and accuracy.

What is new/changed?

Information found in Policy Bulletins 472 and 476 has been incorporated into the CDs. This includes:

  • the reassignment of responsibilities from the former “Director, Information Technology Security” position to the “Information Technology Security Coordinator”;
  • the replacement of references, in CD 226, to the Treasury Board Policy on the Use of Electronic Networks with references to the Treasury Board Policy on Acceptable Network and Device Use.

Clarification has been added in the form of a definition of the security assessment and authorization process.

The CDs were also reviewed to ensure they support the implementation of the new web portal for victims. No revisions were deemed necessary for this purpose.

How was it developed?

Changes were made by the Information Technology Security group and the Strategic Policy Division.


Roles and responsibilities are detailed in the policy documents. These have not changed since the last review of these CDs.

Who will be affected by the policy?

All individuals who have been authorized to use CSC’s information technology systems, services or electronic information.

Expected cost?


Other impacts?